‘Akufo-Addo’s Climate Legacy Unmatched’

Dr. Henry Kwabena Kokofu


THE FORMER Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dr. Henry Kwabena Kokofu, has lauded President Akufo-Addo for his remarkable achievements in the realm of climate action, particularly within the Climate Vulnerable Forum journey.

Dr. Kokofu commended President Akufo-Addo’s administration for its dedication to climate action and sustainable development, citing the establishment of the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MESTI) as a significant milestone.

“The integration of climate financing mechanisms into our economy showcases the government’s unwavering commitment to tackling the climate crisis,” he remarked.

“Ghana has made substantial progress in transitioning towards a climate-resilient economy, and we take pride in being part of this global movement.”

During President Akufo-Addo’s tenure as the chair of the Climate Vulnerable Forum, which commenced in Glasgow, Dr. Kokofu highlighted the rapid advancements made by the country under the leadership of the former Finance Minister, who chaired the V20 group of Finance Ministers.

The V20 group, which comprised of Finance Ministers from the Climate Vulnerable Forum, aims to identify shared characteristics among member nations and explore avenues for integrating climate financing mechanisms into their economies.

Dr. Kokofu, an expert in environmental policy and climate change, stressed the pivotal role played by the V20 in convening Finance Ministers from diverse countries to exchange knowledge and best practices in climate financing.

As a result of these collaborative efforts, Ghana has successfully formulated the Climate Prosperity Plan (CPP), a pioneering initiative that has also been embraced by countries like Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. “The Climate Prosperity Plan signifies a pivotal moment in our post-COVID economic recovery, recognising the essential role of the climate economy in propelling growth and development,” explained Dr. Kokofu.

He further elaborated that the plan delineates a comprehensive framework for transitioning to a climate-resilient economy, with a specific emphasis on viable investments in critical sectors such as energy, education, health, agriculture, forestry, and the environment.

Dr. Kokofu emphasised the significance of the CPP, highlighting its potential to attract private capital and mobilise resources for climate action. “The CPP is a game-changer for Ghana and other countries, providing a clear roadmap for achieving climate prosperity and sustainable development,” he said.

He stressed that the foundation laid by President Akufo-Addo’s government has positioned Ghana for success and looks forward to benefiting from these initiatives in the years to come. Looking ahead, Dr. Kokofu emphasised the vast potential of the climate economy, particularly in the context of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

He noted, “Climate economy for finance, jobs, and sustainability – positioning Ghana as the base for capacity building on climate economy for AfCFTA, with a market potential of about $3.3 trillion and a population of 1.32 billion.”

“The future is indeed exciting,” he said, highlighting the opportunities for Ghana and other African countries to leverage the climate economy for sustainable growth and development.