Angels Are Bright Still

The late C.K. Teddam

Recalling Act 4 Scene 4 of Shakespeare’s Macbeth – ‘Angels Are Bright Still, Though The Brightest Fell – to eulogize the life well lived by the nonagenarian C.K. Tedam is just appropriate.

For this good man whose life exemplified all the attributes of a wonderful politician the end of his life should provide for all of us important lessons needed to meander through the maze of political challenges created by wicked and bad players in this otherwise noble occupation.  

The teacher and politician was exceptional when he lived at a time when politicians are generally considered bad people who only think about themselves and therefore parochial in their enterprises.

As a good teacher and father to all, he brought up so many persons who grew to become servants of their country as he did without doubt.

Politics is by and large about service to God and country but with bad persons squeezing themselves into the occupation, the unimpressive notion about politics cannot be avoided.  

That Lucifer fell and no longer held his exalted status among angels these creatures of God are nonetheless as bright as they should be. No matter how much politicians suffer denigration at the hands of observers of the political space, there was still one and there are others who are different from the fallen. C.K. Tedam was the different politician still standing even when others fell, their morals too weak to hold them.  Their association with the man who stood both figuratively tall and physically so among his political colleagues should prime such politicians with the morals of C.K. Tedam.   

As one of the few whose lives spanned the Gold Coast and contemporary Ghana no amount of words are enough to complete a befitting tribute for this man. We can only manage to craft what we can and leave the rest to posterity to complete.

As a minister, he was bereft of blemish – his preoccupation being service to God and his country. The footprints he left behind are treasures for us to benefit from at these times when iniquities are beclouding the goodness our Maker demands of us.

He is returning to his Maker at a time when we would have needed him around us to fortify us with the appropriate stoicism to weather the negative storm of contemporary times.  

C.K. Tedam’s ways in politics touched the hearts of not only members of his political inclination but also others without it. That, of course, was one of the factors of his longevity and appeal.

As he goes home to join his ancestors and above all his Maker, we would continue to cherish and pray for him so that his good works would be turned into blessings for his soul in the bosom of the Omnipotent Creator.

The nation mourns him and the state interment planned for him is deserving of a man who until his Maker called him continued to serve as light in the tunnel even when darkness threatened the political space.

The NPP will never forget his wisdom at a time when the then opposition party suffered some of its most restive months before a crucial election. The party endured and triumphed because there were the likes of C.K. Tedam.

As he goes home, we are sure that the good Lord will grant him peace since after all he was a good man obsessed with service to his Maker and country. Fare thee well C.K. Tedam!