Another Accountability Milestone

Yesterday for the second time since assuming the headship of the country, the President interacted with the media about his stewardship. Some months having elapsed since his maiden media encounter, yesterday’s session was unexpectedly packed in content.

The broad spectrum of media representatives at the forum gave it the necessary deference. State and private media practitioners were all there. It would be far from the truth therefore when anybody attempts limiting the importance of yesterday’s meeting to a choreographed PR exercise.

Those who put it together behind the scene deserve commendation for a job well done. Others might have differing opinions but this is ours and we stand by it. After all, even the reduction in electricity tariffs by the President had opposing views.

If accounting to the people is anything to be proud of by a government, President Akufo-Addo’s has cause to do so. A government should periodically prepare such a platform to enable questions to be posed about especially nagging subjects in matters of governance.

The past few months have been epic; the President launching the free SHS and recently the choosing of a Special Prosecutor – developments which are laden with queries.

The question of corruption and managing it will always rear its head at such forums. It was not surprising therefore when in his speech, he made reference to it.

He left nobody in doubt about the rationale of picking Martin Amidu when he said that he would deal with corruption cases involving both serving appointees as well as those who are no longer in office. What more must he do to prove his readiness to deal with corruption head on.

It is not surprising when political killjoys throw spanners into the works on this subject. Try as they have to drag their successors into the mud of corruption, their efforts always draw blanks. When fresh convincing evidences are adduced for cases already dealt with, these will be revisited, says the President.

Having restored stability in the energy sector, the President has reversed the dying trend of businesses across the country. His flashing this feat in front of his media audience was in order so lies about the feat can be thrown into the garbage bin.

In one year, we have witnessed tremendous progress. If governments must be measured against their ability to fulfill the contents of their manifesto, then we can comfortable say President Akufo-Addo has achieved a lot for which he must be lauded.

It is our wish, however, that in future, more time should be allotted to the encounter so that others especially outside Accra will have the opportunity to partake in the question and answer session.

Knowledge of when to expect such encounters by having the frequencies included in the diary of the President, would not be bad at all. Once or twice a year would not be a bad idea at all.

