Apremdo Residents Bemoan Gutter Stench

The choked gutter

Property owners along the main drainage near the Apremdo Market near Takoradi in the Western Region have bemoaned how some residents have turned the gutter into a refuse dump.

According to them, the gutter had been engulfed in filth, making it emit foul stench.

They also fear that the area may experience serious flooding when it rains due to the blocked water passage.

A visit by DAILY GUIDE to the area revealed that indeed some people had turned the gutter into a refuse dump and the residents were practicing open defecation there.

“We are being deprived of fresh air. The whole place is full of human excreta and we are struggling to live there,” they said.

The assembly member of the area could not be reached for his reaction, but Opanyin Kwasi Yankey, a self-acclaimed opinion leader, confirmed the suffering they were going through due to the insanitary conditions.

He pointed out that complaints were made to the Effia-Kwesimintsim Municipal Assembly (EKMA) somewhere last year to help desilt the drainage system, which the assembly promised to do.

“This was at the latter part of last year but up till now we have not seen any improvement,” he alleged.

Meanwhile, a source at the assembly told DAILY GUIDE that EKMA started desilting, expanding and constructing some drainage systems in the area last year.

The source said Apremdo main gutter would be cleared of the rubbish and called on residents to stop dumping refuse into the gutter.

From Emmanuel Opoku, Apremdo


