Participants at the launch


The Business Advisory Services Providers Association of Ghana (BASPAG) in partnership with the Chamber of Agribusiness Ghana has launched the Business Development Service (BDS) Application to provide business development services particularly for Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the Agribusiness sector.

This was in collaboration with the US Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Feed the Future Ghana Trade and Investment (GTI) activity.

Speaking at the launch of the App in Accra, BASPAG President, Samuel Atiemo, said the business development service application would also help SMEs find expert advice, training programmes, financial services, market information, similar businesses partnership opportunities and other essential resources to sustain their businesses.

The application features include user-friendly interfaces, real time updates and customised services to meet the unique needs of different businesses to make it easier for SMEs to connect with the BASPAG and CAG’s network of businesses advisory professionals.

Mr. Atiemo further explained that the app will also facilitate direct interaction, consultations which will empower business owners with tailored advice and support to enhance their capacity to make informed decisions and implement effective business strategies.

According to the two institutions, the directories initial deployment phase is expected to benefits 200 SMEs and institutions in the country over the next six to 12 months.

The event which attracted over 100 participants from the business, private and development sectors and government institutions experienced live demonstrations of the APP and the directories features and how SMEs could leverage them to improve their business operations.

The launch was also interspersed with discussions from industry leaders, business advisors and technology expert on the importance of business development services and the impact of technology on business practices especially in providing listings, profiling, searches and discoveries.

By Ebenezer K. Amponsah

