Bechem United Drags Yanga To FIFA… Over Unpaid Okrah Fee

Augustine Okrah


Bechem United have lodged a complaint with FIFA against Tanzanian club Young Africans (Yanga) for failing to fully pay the transfer fees owed for Augustine Okrah.

According to reports, Bechem United and Yanga had agreed on a transfer fee of $120,000 for Okrah.

However, Yanga have only paid $20,000 so far, which was enough for the International Transfer Certificate (ITC) to be released. The remaining $100,000 remains unpaid.

In addition to the unpaid transfer fees, Yanga also owe Okrah part of his signing-on fees, salaries, and winning bonuses.

Okrah has been promised these payments, and if Yanga fails to fulfil their commitments, he plans to take his case to FIFA as well.

This issue is not the first of its kind for Yanga, as they previously had a similar situation with Hafiz Konkoni, another former player of Bechem United.

Augustine Okrah, who had also played for Kotoko, joined the Tanzanian side in the middle of the season, following in the footsteps of Konkoni.

Despite persistent follow-ups by Bechem United, the club has yet to receive the outstanding payment, leading them to seek intervention from FIFA.

The club hopes that FIFA’s involvement will compel Yanga to honour their financial obligations and ensure that Okrah receives the dues owed to him.