Best Midwife Speaks About Fibroid

Racheal Hesse Matey


THE 2023 Best Midwife for Greater Accra Region, Racheal Hesse Matey, has urged women to refrain from using unprescribed medications to treat fibroids, as the condition can be effectively treated in various healthcare facilities across the country.

Ms. Matey expressed concern over the alarming number of fibroid patients who lose their lives daily due to the use of unauthorised medicines for treating the disease.

Speaking at the Safe Modes of Childbirth Among Women programme, an initiative to raise awareness about vaginal and cesarean deliveries, as well as fibroids, Ms. Matey emphasised the importance of educating women about the negative health complications associated with unprescribed fibroid medications.

“Fibroids are treatable and can be removed. When you come to the hospital, you will undergo a thorough examination. The problem arises when we resort to taking medications that have not been prescribed,” she explained.

Ms. Matey highlighted the significance of fibroid examinations, stating that they help determine the location of the fibroids and whether they are causing complications such as bleeding.

She also emphasised the need for regular checkups to stay informed about one’s fibroid status.

Addressing misconceptions surrounding cesarean deliveries, the Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, Dr. Isaac Koranteng, stated that a woman can have as many cesarean sections as she requests.

“It is a falsehood that a woman cannot have more than three cesarean sections. The highest number recorded was 13 by a patient from Ireland. The truth is that surgeries are now safe by the grace of God, but there are still risks associated with them, and we take precautions,” Dr. Koranteng explained.

However, Dr. Koranteng expressed concern about the increasing rate at which women opt for cesarean deliveries without any medical reason or recommendation.

By Prince Fiifi Yorke