Catholic University Wins Entrepreneurial Competition

The winners with their dummy che que

Representatives of Catholic University College, Team Prison Made, were adjudged winners of the third edition of the British Council’s tertiary institutions’ Campus Challenge dubbed, ‘Duapa Challenge-The Campus Duel.’

The winning team, which comprises Worlanyo Koku, David Nii Marquis and Miracle Nfoma, received GHC10,000 to execute the project, which targets skills development for some inmates in the Sunyani Central Prisons in the Brong Ahafo Region.

The inmates were taught to produce shoes and sandals and we focused on providing opportunities to help the reintegration of the inmates after serving their sentence, he indicated.

Emily Sawie Thomas, Assistant Country Director of the British Council, who presented the cheque to the students, indicated that the challenge is the council’s modest initiative to strengthen its strategy on social enterprise ecosystem to promote economic growth, private sector development and employment generation for the youth.

“The British Council is happy that the Duapa Initiative has caught on very well over the past two years, especially the brilliant social enterprise project of Trotro Tractor, Zaacoal and CowTribe, which are currently turning into big business empires in the country,” she stated.

The five universities, which took part in the final competition, were the University of Ghana, Green Campus, which created wealth out of waste and the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA), which encouraged cassava cultivation in Garikope.

The rest are Ashesi University Digital Marketing and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) which focused on commercial charcoal production.

Jessie Agyapong, a member of the jury, urged them to further develop the projects.

By Solomon Ofori




