CDD-Ghana Demands Greater Role For Youth

THE GHANA Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana) has urged the government of Ghana to deepen the participation of the youth in national decision-making processes, especially on issues that affect their lives.

CDD-Ghana made the call in a statement issued by its Communications Officer, Efua Idan Atadja, on the occasion of the 2018 International Youth Day, which falls on August 12.

According to the statement, youth participation in national decision-making processes was key to inclusive development.

CDD-Ghana specifically encourages the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the National Youth Authority and the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) to develop and/or strengthen opportunities for young people to learn about their rights and responsibilities, promote their social, political, developmental and environmental participation, and remove obstacles that affect their full contribution to society, among other opportunities.

The statement pointed out that this year’s theme, “Safe Spaces for Youth,” provides yet another avenue to re-imagine the current state of spaces – civic, digital, physical and public – available to the youth, and how safe they are in helping to nurture talents, encourage free expression of ideas and promote participation in decision-making processes.

It said “the celebration is particularly important at this time as there is a clamour for not just the voice of the youth to be heard, but for the youth to be given increased opportunities to take an active part in decision-making processes.”

It reported that Ghana was gradually heading towards a youth bulge, with estimates from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) indicating that more than one-third or 39 per cent of the population falls within the age range of 15 – 24 years.

While it may be viewed from a negative perspective, particularly on unemployment and crime, the statement indicated “it offers the opportunity to harness the developmental potential of the youth to drive societal change”.

It said: “Inadequate credible platforms or opportunities for the youth to participate in public or government decision-making that directly affects their lives is one issue stifling youth development in Ghana.”

Meanwhile, the Center reminded the youth of their responsibilities as the future leaders of the country.

“We encourage the Ghanaian youth to take advantage of every available opportunity to gain knowledge, enhance their capacity and make positive contributions towards the development of the nation,” it added.

BY Melvin Tarlue
