Cement Manufacturers Beg GSA

Dr. George Dawson-Ahmoah

“That explains why the prices of cement products by the Chinese companies are ridiculously low in market.  They are really cutting corners and this must be checked”

In an interview with the media, Dr Dawson-Ahmoah said he was not surprised because they had evidence of several unfair trade practices when the country started to receive imports of finished bagged cement products from China, adding that the valuations were manipulated and packing were also not environmental friendly.

“We will certainly not be unconcerned to witness the production of sub-standard cement in the market,” he said.

Dr. Dawson-Ahmoah rubbished assertions that the cement association took the action to avert competition, saying “my position is to serve the interest of all cement companies and to ensure that the best practices are adhered to.”

Asked why Chinese companies were not members of CMAG, the executive secretary said they had sent several invitations to them to be members but to no avail.

The association, Dr. Dawson-Ahmoah reaffirmed, is focused on quality production.


