Change Divisional Commander – Akyem Kotoku Chiefs

Oseadeeyo Dr. Frimpong Manso IV, ACP Samuel Nyamekye Adane Ameyaw


The Akyem Kotoku Traditional Council (AKTC) has reiterated its request to the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Dr. George Akuffo Dampare, to transfer ACP Dr. Adane Ameyaw, the Divisional Commander of Akyem Oda, citing his detrimental impact on the area’s security and stability.

The Council said that ACP Adane Ameyaw’s ongoing presence as police commander at Akyem Oda is escalating tensions in the area, recalling their January 31, 2024 letter.

It indicated that in the said letter signed by the Registrar, Alhassan Bawah, they expressed concerns about ACP Ameyaw’s alleged tyrannical and oppressive administration, which they claimed, has thrown the area into chaos, disorder, and anarchy.

The Council also alleged that instead of focusing on maintaining peace, the police commander has consistently interfered in chieftaincy affairs, intimidating and undermining the Omanhene himself.

Specific incidents highlighted in the letter include Asene and Afosu, where they said the police commander undermined sanctions against certain chiefs.

At Ayirebi, the Council claimed that the police commander opposed the installation of a popular, gazetted chief who enjoys widespread support.

At Abenase, the Council also said ACP Ameyaw backed the current chief, who allegedly rules with “tyranny and oppression”. It also mentioned his role in the arrest of three young men who complained against the chief.

The Council also mentioned an incident involving a retired Ambassador from Abenase, Kwame Adu, who was spoken to with disrespect and threats by the divisional commander.

Citing the police commander’s threat to peace, the Council again alleged that ACP Ameyaw has disregard for traditional authority, insisting on his immediate transfer from the area.