Chief Imam, Gyato Release Peace Pigeons

The National Chief Imam presenting a citation to his Peace Ambassador appointee Clemence Gyato

One of the highlights of the investiture of Clemence Gyato as Peace Ambassador last Saturday at the Madina Astro-Turf Sports Centre was the release of 16 white pigeons into the air.

The pigeons represented the regions of the country.

The first release was done by the National Chief Imam Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu and the man he appointed as Peace Ambassador, Clemence Gyato, the Chief Executive Officer of Anyok Holdings.

The other pigeons were released by the many dignitaries who turned up for the function.

The peace appointee is a native of Nkonya Wurupong, his appointment being the first by the National Chief Imam of a non-Muslim.

The appointment is regarded as one which cements the already cordial interfaith relationship in the country.

Mr. Gyato played crucial roles during the impasse in Hohoe between Zongo youth and the traditional establishment and in the Alavanyo and Nkonyaconflict.

Speaking after his investiture by the National Chief Imam, he said he was motivated to embark upon peace initiatives after an interaction he had with a Somali national.

Despite nurturing the vision, as a young man getting wealthy through entrepreneurship, the restiveness in other countries motivated him to appreciate the importance of peace. For him, therefore, it is critical “to be at peace with myself and with all.”

“I have consequently come to understand that no one was safe within a society riddled with insecurity,” he said.

He expressed his gratitude for the honour done him by the Chief Imam and also pledgedto carryout the mandate of helping sustain peace before, during and after the upcoming general elections.

On behalf of the National Chief Imam, Dr. Mohammed Marzouq Azindoo, who is the Personal Assistant of the Imam, said the preservation of peace is a collective responsibility of all Ghanaians.

The upcoming elections, he noted, was an opportunity for citizens to reaffirm their commitment to constitutional order, good governance and national development.

“The Chief Imam therefore wants all of us to go to the polls and vote in peace, return home and wait for results in peace,” he said.

Also present at the ceremony were Abubakar Boniface, MP for the Madina Constituency and Lawyer Xavier Sosu, the parliamentary candidate for the NDC in the electoral area.

Each of them took turns to address the gathering.

Also present at the ceremony was Sheikh I.C. Quaye, Chairman of the Ghana Hajj Board, among others.

By Issah Mohammed