Child Rapist Jailed 10 Years

Convict Bismarck Owusu Adusei

A 20-year-old unemployed man Bismarck Owusu Adusei, who defiled a 14-year-old girl at Mim, near Kuntanase in the Bosomtwi District of the Ashanti Region, has been sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment by the Bekwai Circuit Court.

The prosecutor, Detective Inspector Stephen Ofori, told the court, presided over by Fredrick Nawura that mother of the victim, Comfort Bosompem, is the complainant in the case.

According to him, the convict and victim and complainant, who is a trader, live at Mim, near Kuntanase.

Inspector Ofori said that on Friday, March 29, 2019 that the complainant travelled to Kumasi to attend a funeral and asked the victim and her younger sister to man her provision store in her absence.

At about 8:30 pm on the same day, the prosecutor narrated that the victim closed the shop and took her younger sister home to sleep.

He disclosed that the 14-year-old subsequently went to take her bath and returned to the room to dress.

Inspector Ofori said Bismarck entered the room and defiled the girl while she was dressing.

The complainant returned from the trip to realize that her daughter could not walk properly after the sexual act.

Prosecution stated that the victim narrated the incident to the mother, who lodged a complaint with the police.

He said a medical examination conducted on the victim revealed that she had been raped.

Inspector Ofori said that the convict admitted the offence in his caution statement.

He was charged and put before court after police investigations.

From Ernest Kofi Adu, Kumasi