Claudia Lumor Assists Nsawam Female Inmates

Claudia Lumor presenting the items to Nsawam Prison Officials


In a heartwarming gesture, renowned philanthropist, also the founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Glitz Africa, Claudia Lumor, has donated some items to the female prisoners at Nsawam Prison in the Eastern Region.

The items include nine branded new sewing machines, over 600 sanitary pads and an undisclosed amount of money to the prison authorities, aimed at empowering and supporting the rehabilitation of female inmates.

The kind gesture will enable the women to acquire valuable skills and maintain their dignity during their period.

Claudia Lumor, during the presentation, expressed her commitment to supporting marginalised communities and promoting gender equality.

“I believe in the potential of these women and want to help them rebuild their lives,” she said.

This act of kindness is demonstrated by Claudia Lumor’s dedication to creating a positive impact and inspiring change in the lives of others.

Claudia Lumor stated, “I believe in the power of second chances and want to support the rehabilitation of these women. I hope this donation will help them rebuild their lives and become productive members of society.”

However, she bought crafted items made by the female inmates and also promised to assist three of the female prisoners who will soon end their jail term by equipping them with logistics to establish themselves and earn their daily bread.

The prison authorities and inmates also expressed gratitude for the donation, which will significantly improve their lives and opportunities.


BY Daniel BampoeÂ