COCOSHE Laments Mosquito Nets, Torchlights Supply Delay

 Executives of COCOSHE in a group photo


THE GHANA Association of Cocoa, Coffee and Sheanut Farmers (COCOSHE) has expressed worry on the delay of the supply of solar torchlights and mosquito nets to the farmers.

The association, has therefore, appealed to the management of the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) to expedite action on the supply of the products since the delay “is having a heavy toll on the operations of the farmers.”

“Our people are in dire need of the solar torch lights and mosquito nets to make our operations thriving,” the President of COCOSHE, Alhaji Alhassan Bukari, said at a press conference in Accra yesterday.

The president’s speech was read on his behalf by the spokesperson of COCOSHE, Imoro Issifu Alhassan.

President Akufo-Addo’s Assurance

In May 10, 2019, COCOSHE paid a courtesy call on President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo at the Jubilee House and made a plea through the President to COCOBOD for solar torchlights and mosquito nets.

After the engagement, the President instructed COCOBOD to meet the request as soon as possible.

“Since 2019, we have been patiently waiting for the supply of the products considering that the delay is beginning to affect our farmers who depend on these products, especially, in the night,” Alhaji Bukari noted.

In December 8, 2022, the association said it made a request to the Chief Executive of COCOBOD about the delay and followed up with representatives of the Ghana COCOBOD Board at various board meetings.

Although the association said it might not be aware of the reason for the delay, it added, “we appeal to the management of COCOBOD to do everything within it authority for the farmers to get the product.”

Benefits Of Solar Torchlights

According to the farmers, the solar torchlights and mosquito nets “are of tremendous importance to us as it helps our farmers in remote communities in the cocoa areas.”

They further noted that “sheanut pickers also used the torchlights to go into the bush at dawn to pick sheanut fruits with ease, as it brightens under the shea trees for sheanut collection.”

COCOSHE said the supply of the items to farmers in the past had impacted positively on the health, welfare, and safety of its farmers.

“It has indeed served as an incentive for increased production. It is, therefore, in the best interest of the cocoa, coffee and sheanut industries that the request of the farmers is met as it has been long overdue,” the association said.

BY Samuel Boadi