Contest Of Wits Beckons

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

Ghana has come a long way in its democratic journey to establish herself as a true bastion of multi-party democracy in a sub-region bartered by civil strife, disease and squalor.

Our modest gains to have conducted eight peaceful elections and three transitions from the ruling government to opposition political parties are no mean achievements.

That we are the envy and indeed the toast of our neighbours can never be contested anywhere. That is why for us, we were disturbed when some disgruntled politicians compared our condition to the coup-infested neighbouring countries.

It is for this reason that some students of politics worry about the penchant of some politicians to resort to personal attacks instead of issue-based electioneering. We heaved a sigh of relief when a section of society including elements in the NDC called to bring on the Vice President, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia as the NPP flagbearer for 2024 so that he could answer some questions concerning the economy.

Dr. Bawumia had made some pronouncements prior to the 2016 general election and many felt that his election as flagbearer would provide the opportunity for Ghanaians to listen to him at the time the economy is not doing well under the NPP government.

This situation offered different perspectives for the NPP internal contest and the background dynamics of Dr. Bawumia.

In one breadth, the NDC said there was no way the NPP was going to give the nod to Dr. Bawumia as flagbearer of the Elephant Family while on other occasions the Umbrella Family said Dr. Bawumia would be an easy prey for Mr. John Mahama.

For a very long time though, Mr. Mahama had postulated that there was no way Dr. Bawumia would be allowed to lead the NPP, adding that, “he was just being used and dumped”. Right from day one, the NDC discredited the candidature of Dr. Bawumia, labelling him the establishment candidate on whose behalf President Akufo-Addo has whipped the state apparatus to throw their weight behind.

So pervasive was this propaganda that the other contestants in the NPP’s internal contest felt the field was not even enough for a free and fair election.

Thus the ground was prepared for some to discontinue the race after the August 26, Special Delegates Congress, resulting in Alan Kyerematen quitting the NPP to form the Butterfly Movement.

Others like Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, who stayed on after threatening a “showdown”, gave conditions that would let him remain in the NPP.

When his fears were allayed and on November 4, 2024 he really gave Dr. Bawumia the “showdown” with remarkable performance, he had no choice but to declare support for Dr. Bawumia at the “coronation” rally at the Accra Sports Stadium last Saturday.

Contrary to some views that in the event that Ohene Agyapong lost the race he would also decamp, the NDC went into a frenzy inviting him to join the party for some weird reasons spearheaded by its Central Regional Chairman, who is a professor in the Cape Coast University. So weird was his argument that many wondered when Ohene Agyapong became a love-kid of the NDC.

One thing was very clear, and that is the election of Dr. Bawumia has thrown the entire election strategy of the NDC out of gear.

The boastful posture of the NDC by underrating the competence of Dr. Bawumia is an empty one and that the board room of the NDC is under fire following the election of Dr. Bawumia.

We are excited about a contest of ideas between Dr. Bawumia and Mr. Mahama in 2024 to determine who has the superior arguments and strategies to turn the corner of the economy. Since Mahama was elected last year, he is yet to put a single policy intervention in place as NDC flagbearer, but he was awaken from his slumber two days after the NPP Congress to put together some hurriedly arranged encounter with the TUC where he outlined some  ill thought-out interventions.

We wait to see the practicality of his 24/7 work programme suggestion to the business community.

Dr. Bawumia’s emergence on the political scene as the main character for the NPP for Election 2024 has sent shockwaves through the corridors of the NDC.

Now the NDC that was eager to meet Dr. Bawumia to debate the issues has capitulated and chosen the path of tribal bigotry and the politics of religion.




