Daboya Gets Cotton Factory

Adam Eliasu speaking during the function

The District Chief Executive (DCE) for Daboya in the North Gonja District of the Northern Region, Adam Eliasu, has assured the people of Daboya that very soon they will have their share of the national cake with regard to the ‘One District, One Factory (1D1F)’ project, which has been initiated  by the Akufo-Addo-led government.

According to the DCE, under the 1D1F programme, a series of meetings have been held with officials of Agricultural Development Bank (ADB) and consultants of the programme as regards the sources of funding for the programme.

He indicated that a site had been designated near the Daboya Senior High School which would be developed to produce cotton yarns for the smock industry.

This he said would avail small producers in Daboya the opportunity of assessing raw materials for their products as well as save them the trouble of travelling to distant places to buy the yarns.

Adam Eliasu was optimistic that the establishment of the factory would create massive employment for the teeming youth in the area.


One Village One Dam

Ten (10) communities in the district are benefitting from this programme this year. However, feasibility studies have been conducted at Bawena, Jinfrunu, Donkompe, Daresalam and Korpoto.

The contractor for the Korpoto project is currently on site and work is progressing steadily and soon construction work will commence on all the communities before the end of the year.

The DCE for Daboya made this known during the town hall meeting of the North Gonja District Assembly.


Planting for Food and Jobs

The North Gonja District Assembly through the Department of Agriculture started the implementation of this programme in 2017. The district received a total of GH¢1,035,960.00 worth of agricultural inputs from the Ministry of Food and Agriculture comprising the cultivation of maize, rice, soya beans and sorghum. Out of this figure, a total of GH¢690,640.00 has been recovered so far from the farmers representing 66.67% of the total cost of inputs supplied to them.

However, the recovery processing is still ongoing to ensure that the remaining sum of GH¢345,320.00 is paid back by the farmers.

The Department of Agriculture has registered 3,550 farmers for the cultivation of various crops in 2018.

This year, the district has received 400mini bags of rice, 200 mini bags of maize and 114 mini bags of sorghum as seeds for cultivation.

The DCE used the opportunity to appeal to all stakeholders to encourage beneficiaries in their communities to ensure the continuation of the programme.

He urged all stakeholders to help educate residents on the need to pay their revenues for the development of the district.


FROM Eric Kombat, Daboya
