Daily Guide’s Reporter Recieves Developmental Journalism Award

Eric Kombat (left)

Six journalists from the five regions of the North, have been recognized for their reportage in areas of agriculture and developmental journalism.

Northern regional correspondent for Daily Guide, Ghana’s leading private newspaper, Eric Kombat, was adjudged the 2nd runner up in best developmental journalist of the year.

The awards was organised by the Harmattan Awards for Development Journalism.

The awardees where selected based on merit and grouped into four categories, Radio (English), Radio (Local Language), Print and Television.

However, three print and three radio practitioners who distinguished themselves in the past year in telling touching stories about rural farmers received the ‘Harmattan’.

Executive Director for Countrywise Communication, Raymond Vuol, described the Awards as “a tool to refocusing the energies of our hardworking journalists for the benefit of the agro sector and particularly the poor farmers in Northern Ghana.”

According to him, it is the hope of the organisation that, many entries would be made for TV and local language for Radio categories.

Meanwhile, Countrywise Communication hopes to establish a training program and research fund for journalists. The training programme will periodically offer refresher courses for journalists. They can also apply to the research fund for financial support for their projects.

The harmattan awards” is named after the harmattan season in the North which occasionally indicates the end of the farming season and harvesting time.

Winners of the award received laptops, zoom sound recorders, crystal plaques and citations to support them to do diligent work in subsequent years.

Other winners include Samuel Sam of Business and Financial Times, Prosper K. kuorsoh of Ghana News Agency.
