Do Not Be Deceived

Since the time of Adam and Eve, humanity has been so stubborn that mankind is continuously refusing to learn from past mistakes, detach from falsehood and refrain from negative behaviours that bring continuous sufferings on them.

Most importantly, today’s world leaders, politicians and learned people have all become myopic to the fact that practices of violence, falsehood and all that is evil are the cause of suffering in this world.

Practices of intimidation, falsehood, lies, dishonesty, elimination of opponents, violence, suppression, repression and other covet operations against opponents and the people by politicians are all temporary and their objectives are never achieved; if achieved, never last.

They refuse to learn or accept that after all these actions and reactions by them, in spite of their power that be, the “Truth” prevails at the end of the day.

The fact is that many politicians and leaders, especially in Africa, think when they have power they can do whatever they like to satisfy their egos, greed, whims and caprices against the people and especially their opponents and can cheat the people all the time.

I tell you the truth, “Do not be deceived, No condition is permanent on this planet earth except the condition of Truth”, and also God is not mocked, ‘for what so ever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7).

Power is good and not bad, it depends on how it is used.

Those politicians and leaders who practise intimidation, suppression, repression and violence against their people and especially their opponents, who speak out the truth, are deceiving themselves and shall reap the consequences of their actions when the time is rife. They are the cause of sufferings of their people and bad examples that affect future development of their countries.

“They shout peace, peace, when there is no peace. They are even not ashamed of their loathsome conduct. “When they are fed by some people in their favour, they proclaim peace, when they are not, they prepare to wage war against them”. (Micah 3:5).

These leaders despise justice and distort all that is right. They build their nation with bloodshed and wickedness. They judge for a bribe; their priests or religious leaders teach for a price and their profits or pastors tell fortunes for money. They are corrupt all over. Yet they lean upon the lord saying: “Is not the Lord among us? No disaster will come upon us.” (Micah 3:5-12).

They are hypocrites of the highest order. There is time for everything and the time is coming when they will suffer the consequences of their sinful nature.

So, may leaders of Africa learn from the mistakes of their peers and turn to righteousness, compassion, equity, real love and genuine peace, understanding and progress shall prevail, for what we sow is what we reap.

“The old order changeth, yielding places to new and God fulfills himself in many ways, lest one good custom should corrupt the world”, so the saying goes; food for thought.

Look at a case in Ghana, where a previous government purchased about two hundred ambulances which arrived in 2015 and not a single ambulance van was equipped with the necessary fittings for immediate use. All these empty vans had been packed since 2015, without any effort to equip them.

And at the end of the day, a vice-president of the previous government collapsed after some morning jogging and exercise and there was no ambulance available to rush him to hospital and later a pickup had to be used, causing his death which had also caused many deaths already.

The question therefore arises; “Is Africa really a shit hole?” looking at the behaviour and attitudes of African leaders and their educated class in governance. How serious are they? I am very sad for Mama Africa. Africa and for that matter Ghana must wake up and be serious. I tell you the truth, the scriptures tell us that, “Right is Might and not Might is Right”. Food for thought!

By Samuel Donkor