Dwarfs- Vipers Clash …In Indece Day Cup

Akwasi Agyemang, GTA boss

As part of the 65th Independence Day Celebration, the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, in collaboration with Tour Operators Union of Ghana (TOUGHA), Ghana Football Association (GFA) and other institutions has pitted traditional sides Ebusua Dwarfs and Venomous Vipers for the 65th Independence Day Cup Competition. The game is scheduled for tomorrow at the Robert Mensah Stadium, Cape Coast. Kickoff is 3pm.

The game seeks to promote domestic tourism as part of GTA’s, ‘Experience Ghana, Share Ghana’ campaign, which is aimed at encouraging Ghanaians to bring back the love for local football and promote domestic tourism.

The general public is therefore encouraged to take advantage of this initiative to visit Central Region and Cape Coast in particular to help promote domestic tourism.

From The Sports Desk
