€2.37m Ambulance Case: Ato Forson Requests Live Telecast Trial

Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson


Minority Leader, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, has through his lawyers petitioned the Chief Justice to permit the live broadcasting of the remainder of the ‘defective’ ambulance trial.

This, according to the petition, is “in the light of recent developments that have significantly impacted public perception of the case and the administration of justice.”

Dr. Ato Forson and Richard Jakpa are standing trial for willfully causing financial loss of €2.37 million to the state, through a contract to purchase 200 ambulances for the Ministry of Health, among other charges.

The ambulances, according to court documents, are ordinary buses which were not fit for purpose as they did not have the needed equipment that an ambulance requires.

Richard Jakpa is currently in the witness box under cross-examination by counsel for Dr. Forson, after which he would be cross-examined by the prosecution.

Ato Forson, in a post on X (formerly Twitter), indicated that in the wake of the recent exposé concerning the alleged misconduct of the Attorney General, Godfred Yeboah Dame, he has instructed his lawyers to petition the Chief Justice, Gertrude Torkornoo, for the live broadcast of all subsequent proceedings in the ambulance trial.

He said the request is motivated by a deep commitment to transparency and open justice, principles that are fundamental to a fair and impartial legal system.

“The allegations against the Attorney General are deeply concerning. If true, they represent a serious breach of public trust and a threat to the integrity of our judicial system. It is imperative that these allegations be thoroughly investigated and that the public be given the opportunity to witness the proceedings firsthand. Live broadcasting of the trial would serve several important purposes,” he stated.

Ato Forson also indicated that broadcasting the proceedings live would ensure that the public has full access to the evidence and arguments presented in court, and would allow citizens to form their own informed opinions about the case and hold the participants accountable for their actions.

“Live broadcasting would promote transparency and accountability within the legal system. By making the proceedings accessible to all, we can help to ensure that justice is served fairly and impartially,” he continued.

He also indicated that live broadcasting would serve as a powerful deterrent against future misconduct, as knowing that their actions will be subject to public scrutiny, those involved in the legal system are more likely to uphold the highest ethical standards.

“I believe that live broadcasting the ambulance trial is essential to ensuring a fair and just outcome. It is in the best interests of both the public and the legal system that these proceedings be conducted with the utmost transparency. I urge the Chief Justice to grant my request and allow the public to witness this important trial firsthand,” Dr. Forson added.


BY Gibril Abdul Razak