Efia Odo Rejects Kwaku Manu

Efia Odo


Actress and socialite, Efia Odo, has openly stated that Kumawood actor, Kwaku Manu, is not her type of man.

During a lively discussion on UTV‘s United Showbiz, sparks flew when Kwaku Manu jokingly suggested that he could marry both Efia Odo and Sista Afia amidst their ongoing social media feud.

However, his lighthearted remark was met with a blunt response from Efia Odo, who made it clear that she had no romantic interest in him.

Efia Odo didn’t mince words, saying, “I don’t want to be with you or marry you. You are not my type and you don’t meet my standards.”

Her straightforward rejection left the panelists visibly surprised, prompting Kwaku Manu to inquire, “Does that mean she said she won’t marry at all?”

Clarifying her statement, Efia Odo emphasised, “I said I won’t marry you. Emphasis on you, because you are not my type.”

She then described her ideal partner, stating, “I want a responsible man. I think Kwaku Manu is even married, and I don’t want someone with children. I’m looking for a wealthy man, someone with generational wealth.”

In response, Kwaku Manu, who mentioned he has four children, seemed taken aback. The show’s host, MzGee, expressed surprise at Efia Odo’s candidness and sought further clarification.

Efia Odo elaborated, “I have dated men who didn’t have money before. I supported them and was a great partner, but they left me.”

When questioned about the feasibility of finding a partner with such specific criteria, she confidently asserted, “I am going to find someone who ticks all these boxes because I know my worth and the value I bring to the table.”