EPA Tackles Climate Change

Some senior staff addressing Journalists

The Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Peter Abum Sarkodie, has reiterated the agency’s commitment to collaborate with government and other stakeholders to intensify public awareness on climate change issues as its strategy to reduce the effect on the various sectors of the national economy.

Speaking to Journalists on the post conference decisions on Climate Change dubbed the ‘United Nations Climate Change Conference’ (COP23) held in Bonn, Germany last year; he indicated that the issue of climate change has called for collective efforts of the citizenry.

The conference, which according to him, was organized jointly by the governments of Fiji and the Federal Republic of Germany was attended by 193 countries and over 20,000 participants worldwide.

“This is a clear indication of how important the issue of climate change is to all parties and for us, the EPA will live no stone unturned to sensitize people to adopt practices which will reduce the emission of deadly chemicals especially the carbons into the atmosphere” he stated.

He indicated that parties at the conference resolved to have a common stand point on issues related to Mitigation, Adoption and Finance measures so that the intended outcomes of the conference will be achieved.

On the implementation of National Determined Contributions (NDC) and enhancing South-South Co-operation with the intention to share ideas, he indicated that Ghana was ranked very high for its roles.

The Executive Director while commending government on the its policy on re-forestation, One  Village One Dam  and Planting for Food and Jobs, indicated that the role of the EPA and its stakeholders is paramount in making it a success.

Antwi Bosiako Amoah, Principal Programme Officer pointed out that developing countries must evolve mitigation strategies as a way of containing losses due to the effects of climate change on agriculture, loss of lives and property among other unexpected environmental circumstances.

By Solomon Ofori





