Ghana Card Clears Ghost Names


The Presidential Candidate of the ruling New Patriotic Party, NPP, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has announced a major breakthrough in the government’s fight against corruption, revealing that the Ghana Card has successfully eliminated all ghost names from the government’s payroll.

Speaking during his campaign tour in Bawjiase, Awutu Senya West constituency in the Central Region, Dr. Bawumia highlighted the significant role the Ghana Card has played in verifying the identity of public sector workers, weeding out fictitious or non-existent employees.

Ghost Name Menace

For years, ghost names had plagued Ghana’s public sector, with fictitious employees drawing salaries and benefits from the state.

This phenomenon had resulted in significant financial losses, estimated to be in millions of Ghana cedis.

The Ghana Card Solution

The introduction of the Ghana Card, a national identification card, has been instrumental in verifying the identity of public sector workers.

The card’s biometric features and unique identification number have made it impossible for ghost names to exist on the payroll.

How it Works

The system integrates the National Mechanised Payroll Database of the Controller and Accountant-General’s Department (CAGD) with the National Identification Authority (NIA) Database.

This integration enables real-time biometric validation and verification of applicants, ensuring that only authorized individuals benefit from government resources.

Dr. Bawumia assured that his administration will continue to work towards a corruption-free payroll system.

“We are committed to ensuring that public funds are used efficiently and effectively,” he stated.

-BY Daniel Bampoe
