Girl, 3, Killed For Ritual


A three-year-old girl’s lifeless body was recovered without her tongue after going missing for three days at Dagomba Line in the Asokore Mampong Municipality of the Ashanti Region.

The horrific discovery was made by some children playing football nearby who came across the body, identified as Taslima Labaranon, while recovering their ball from a building undergoing rehabilitation.

The victim, a twin, went missing since Thursday despite her mother’s frantic efforts, including lodging an official complaint with the police. Her body was finally discovered on Saturday, April 6, 2024.

According to reports, the discovery of the body drew a large crowd to the crime scene, many of whom shed uncontrollable tears.

Most of those who witnessed the girl’s body assumed that she had been slain for voodoo purposes, also known as ‘juju’.

Rukaya Muntari, the devastated mother, sobbed as she recounted her final moments with her daughter, expressing her disappointment at the futile search efforts.

As part of their ongoing investigation, police officers have moved the body to the morgue in reaction to the upsetting finding, with community assistance.

FROM I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi



