Some of the musicians at the meeting. INSET: Kofi Sammy
Renowned highlife musician Kofi Sammy, noted for his hit song ‘Yellow Sisi’, on Wednesday cursed the Ghana Music Right Organisation (GHAMRO) Board Chairman, Kojo Antwi, for allegedly worsening the plight of Ghanaian musicians.
The highlife musician who expressed concern about ill-treatment being meted out to Ghanaian musicians by GHAMRO board at a meeting held at the Teachers’ Hall in Accra, told the GHAMRO board chairman, “You Kojo Antwi, God will punish you for refusing to pay us our royalties. God will surely punish you.”
When he was asked to apologise to Kojo Antwi, Kofi Sammy refused, saying he has no regret for cursing Kojo Antwi.
Kofi Sammy who could not hide his feelings about the lapses at GHAMRO said, “Things must change as soon as possible”.
The meeting which was attended by a number of musicians, including Akosua Agyapong, C.K Morrison, Sloppy Mike Gyemfi, Yaw Labito and a host of other prominent musicians, was organised to discuss issues such as GHAMRO upcoming elections to elect new board members, the unpaid royalties to musicians, among others.
At the meeting, the musicians declared that they had lost total interest in the current GHAMRO board, urging the board whose term of office expires later this month to step aside for an interim board to be put in place to streamline GHAMRO’s operations.
The 77-year-old ‘Abirekyieba’ singer called on the GHAMRO board to disclose to stakeholders in the music industry the total amount of moneys collected on their behalf since 2015 to date from various music users.
By George Clifford Owusu