Nana Meets Gyan, Dede

The Minister (8th R) poses with the delegates

Youth and Sports Minister, Isaac Kwame Asiamah, has reiterated  government’s quest to ensuring  a doping and cheating free sports competitions.

In an African Zone VI Regional Anti-Doping Organization (RADO) board meeting in Accra yesterday, the Sports Minister pointed out that the Akufo-Addo administration has purposed to collaborate with other governments and agencies to stamp out issues of doping and other forms of cheating from sports.

To him, modern day definition of sports which dwell so much on winning of laurels has defeated its original intent of participation saying, “We should do away with the use of drugs completely in pursuit of laurels; sports originally stood for participation, and it is the reason government is committed in fighting doping in sports.”

As a result, he is making a clarion call on all sports personalities and organizations to live up to the true meaning of the Olympic Creed which states that “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.”

He stated “Upon taking office in 2017, I realized the need for the establishment of national anti-doping organization which is a requisite for countries that have ratified the UNESCO International Convention against Doping in Sports. The Ministry has also taken steps to reconstitute the Ghana Anti-Doping Committee.”

The Sports chief told delegates from Angola, Botswana, Ghana, (represented by Hon Dr Afriyie Opoku), Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Eswatini (Swaziland), South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe that  “As a country which has signed onto the International Convention against doping in sports, Ghana is prepared to ensure that we support and commit to the fight against doping in sports.”

He added “This is a commitment coming from the president of the land. He is very much committed to this course to ensuring that we maintain purity in sports.”

The Minister also commended RADO saying “I want to commend the Africa Zone VI Regional Anti-Doping Agency and World Anti-Doping Agency(WADA), Africa Office, for taking the lead towards a more harmonized strategy to fight doping in sports on the continent.”

Delegates from the Africa Union Sports Council (and the WADA Conference of South Africa National Olympic Committee (COSANOC) graced the event.
It was aimed at promoting drug-free sports and working with member countries to protect clean athletes and promote clean sports.

By Kofi Owusu Aduonum

