Green Bonds: A Game-Changer Financial Market – Atta Gyan

Atta Gyan


Deputy Managing Director at Fidelity Bank, Atta Gyan, has highlighted the potential of green bonds to drive sustainable development and attract new investors to Ghana’s financial market.

His remarks were delivered at the maiden ACI Financial Markets Conference, a prestigious event that convened industry leaders, regulators, and policymakers to discuss the future of Ghana’s financial sector.

In his keynote address, Mr. Gyan emphasised the pivotal role of sustainable financial products, particularly green bonds, in shaping the future of Ghana’s financial landscape.

“As we look towards the future of finance, we believe some of the most interesting opportunities lie in the introduction of sustainable financial products like green bonds,” he stated.

Mr. Gyan noted that green bonds offered a unique opportunity to channel capital directly into projects that address critical environmental challenges such as renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure, and efficient resource management.

These bonds could be a powerful tool for both environmental and economic impact, attracting socially conscious investors who seek to make a positive difference.

“The potential is vast,” Mr. Gyan explained, adding “Exciting and profitable projects, social capital, and strong market demand can pave the way for green bonds to become a cornerstone of sustainable finance in our economy. With the right policies, collaboration, and commitment to tracking performance, we believe green bonds offer a compelling way to create social good while driving long-term value.”

Furthermore, he highlighted the transformative power of innovation in the financial sector.

“Innovation is the force that shapes the future of the financial industry,” Mr. Gyan noted, stressing the importance of adapting to technological advancements to meet future needs.

However, he was clear that innovation must be balanced with ethical practices. “Trust is the currency of the financial market,” he stated, “and it is built on a foundation of ethical conduct.”

Mr. Gyan stressed the importance of expanding access to financial services as a critical component of a vibrant financial market and praised Fidelity Bank’s efforts in promoting financial inclusion through innovative products and services designed for the underserved, including the bank’s low KYC Smart Accounts and extensive agency network.

A Business Desk Report