GWTA Launches Ho Chapter

Members of the Ho chapter

The Ghana Wheelchair Tennis Association (GWTA) under the auspices of Ghana Tennis Federation and the International Tennis Federation (ITF), has launched the Regional Wheelchair Tennis Association in Ho.

The two-day event had 16 athletes participating and was supported by CRUFF Foundation in Holland.

In attendance at the launch was ITF 2 High Performance Coach, Frank Tarmena from Nigeria, GTF Wheelchair coordinator, Larbi Henry and coach Andrews Taylor.

After the launch of the regional association, the athletes were taken through topics such as: ‘Conditional drills, Drills and  Mobility drills.

Speaking to, ITF coach Frank Termena said “I am impressed with the level of enthusiasm by the participants, which clearly shows the future for Ghana Wheelchair Tennis is bright.”

He continued: “Ghana can qualify to Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games if players travel for ITF tournaments.”

He appealed to corporate bodies in Ho and its surroundings to support the association.
