Hatred, Mischief-Driven Outbursts

Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe


There are certain professionals in the world that the people hold in very high esteem.

One such group of professionals is medical doctors whose contributions to healthcare delivery cannot be underestimated.

In the days of yore, the doctor was like an “angel” worshipped and glorified. Today however, partisan politics has blinded the conscience of even doctors such as Dr. Nyaho Nyaho-Tamakloe, to the extent that they refuse to see the reality even if it is held at their eyes because they are wearing wooden glasses.

If Nyaho-Tamakloe, one-time diplomat, is minded by the protocols of diplomacy, he will not make public something that is shared with him in confidence by a confidant.

We deem it a duty to calm nerves so Election 2024 will go down in history as the most freely conducted in the Fourth Republic. We know what we are talking about, and this is simply the robust system being put in place by the Jean Mensa-led Electoral Commission (EC) for a free, peaceful, credible and transparent election.

Nyaho-Tamakloe feels proud and elated when he is described by media platforms as a leading member of the NPP, but he has decided to “piss in from outside” instead of contributing to strengthen the party’s structures.

For this reason, he resents President Akufo-Addo; he smiles, and thinks the sitting President is the cause of our woes since post independent Ghana.

We think the outbursts of Nyaho-Tamakloe, since President Akufo-Addo took charge of Ghana, is borne out of sour grapes, mischief and hatred. This former diplomat carries the title, ‘leading member of the NPP’ as a badge of honour, but deep in his heart, he is a dyed-in-the-wool NDC member.

Nobody bears him any grudge as his nephew, Ibrahim Mahama, is the brother of former President Mahama, who also doubles as the NDC flagbearer.

If it is the case of the “adze wo fie a oye” mantra, then it is reasonable for Nyaho-Tamakloe to throw his “big weight” behind John Mahama, for at least some crumbs will fall on his table at Srogboe in the Anlo State.

This is why he will situate his caution to the EC on concerns raised about the voters’ register by Fifi Kwetey, on behalf of the NDC. And to place this matter in context, it is important to share the response of Nyaho-Tamakloe, to the otherwise innocent concerns about how to keep the peace after the December 7 elections.

Media reportage indicates that the former diplomat advised Dr. Charles Mensa, husband of Jean Mensa, the EC’s Chairperson, to tell his wife to do the right thing, saying, “The Electoral Commissioner, I know her very well.” Strangely, Nyaho-Tamakloe did not elaborate.

Listen to this one-time sports administrator in former President Kufuor’s regime. “Now, recently, the husband, called me, the husband I know very well, Charles Mensa. I met him and it was about how to have peace during this elections. He is alive, you can ask him. Because what is happening right now, if we are not careful and certain things are not put in place, the Electoral Commission will walk us into disaster. Mark my words, there are wrongs going on and the wrongs must be put right.”

These unsubstantiated claims were articulated by Nyaho-Tamakloe because the NDC’s Scribe, Fifi Kwetey had alleged that there were discrepancies with the provisional voters’ register.

We urge Nyaho-Tamakloe to think beyond the “coins” for his personal comfort to engage in conversations that put Ghana first, with a focus on generational projects such as Agenda 111 and free Senior High School (SHS).

We continue to encourage the Jean Mensa-led EC not to be distracted by the ugly noises from naysayers like Nyaho-Tamakloe, whose desire for “aforkunya” in Ghana will fail miserably.

Madam Jean Mensa, we appeal to you to continue with the strategies for free, fair, credible and transparent polls just as you delivered in 2020, to the dismay of the apostles of the pull-him-down syndrome. Those shouting about discrepancies in the voters’ register, have no message for the people except to prepare to attend pubs, discotheque and night clubs under a certain political party’s 24-hour economy.