Headmaster Demands Sex Education

Some of the graduands at the event

The Ghana Education Service (GES) has been tasked to, as a matter of urgency, make sex education a compulsory subject for pupils at the basic level of education.

Richard Dankwa, Headmaster of Great Rock of Ages International School, attributed the rise in teenage pregnancy in the country to lack of knowledge about sex on the part of the youth.

He said the time has come for GES to formulate a course on sex education which would help the youth to know about the dangers associated with pre-marital sex so that they would stay away from it.

Mr. Dankwa said most of the young girls have sexual intercourse because of curiosity about sex, adding that the school can play a major role to help reduce teenage pregnancies.

He said television stations nowadays telecast shows which portray nudity and sexual scenes which influence the young children to engage in sex.

“This should be a wakeup call for the GES to come out with a course to teach the youth about the dangers of indulging in premature sex so that they would stay away from it and have a better future.

Mr. Dankwa disclosed this during the first graduation ceremony of Great Rock of Ages International School which was under the theme ‘My child, my future treasure,’ at the school’s campus on Friday.

Mr. Dankwa also appealed to the GES to support private schools with textbooks and syllables, among others, stressing that the private schools are playing crucial role to boost education in the country.

He cited bad road network, non-payment of school fees by parents and guardians as major problems facing the school, noting that management had formulated flexible payment plan for parents.

The school, which started with 14 pupils in 2003, currently has a student population of 700.

A total of 36 students graduated from the JHS level to Senior High School (SHS) while 71 pupils graduated from class six to JHS.

From I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi
