How Court Documents Clear Alifa Adams From All Wrongdoing


Circuit Court judge, Her Honour Afi A. Kudomor on Tuesday, 24th November 2015 exonerated businessman Mr. Alifa Adams who was accused of series of wrongdoing in his dealings somewhere 2015.

The Police Administration in 2015 was said to have offered a GH¢5,000 bounty to any member of the public with information that will lead to the arrest of Alifa Adams.

Alifa was alleged to have been the mastermind in a police recruitment scam.

However, in a new twist of court documents available – the prosecutor upon all the alleged accusations on the personality of Mr. Alifa Adams could not provide evidence to substantiate the case at the court till date.

The judge who was fed-up at the time concerning the continuous adjournment date of the prosecutor struck out the case for lack of evidence and long-time process.

The judge who emphatically made it clear at the Circuit Court 9 indicated that, for lack of facts to prosecute the matter, and the fact that the liberty of the accused person(s) was at stake, there was need for her to set him free.

Part of her judgement reads “The case is hereby struck out for want of prosecution. Accused persons are discharged. Accused persons can always be arranged before the court if prosecution is ready and minded to do so”.

She added, “The prosecution has been given several opportunities to start hearing in this matter but to no avail. The court on 28/09/15 gave the prosecution the last opportunity to put their house in order and start hearing this matter on the next adjourned date of 29/10/15 after the State Attorney prayed the court for about a month’s adjournment to put their house in order.

“On 29/10/15, the court was magnanimous enough to grant a further adjournment of a month to enable them put their house in order. Today it is the State Attorney’s prayer for a month adjournment but the court is not minded to grant it because the liberties of the accused persons are at stake here.”

What’s even more intriguing is the fact that since 2015, the prosecution has never revisited the case, effectively admitting defeat due to a dearth of substantial evidence.

This revelation underscores the integrity of the legal system and highlights the importance of due process in ensuring fairness and protecting individual rights.

Below are court documents that shed light on this extraordinary case, revealing the twists and turns that led to the exoneration of Alifa Adams and his co-accused individuals.

This gripping tale serves as a testament to the power of the legal system and its ability to uphold justice in the face of adversity.

Attached below are the court documents:
