‘I Am Not Aware Of Bulldog’s Sack’

Bulldog and Arnold Asamoah Baidoo

Weekend reports alleged that Lawrence Nana Asiamah Hanson, known in showbiz as Bulldog, has been sacked from Zylofon Media.

Bulldog was signed last year as the company’s A & R manager.

The latest reports of his sack have come at time he has been quiet in the media space.

Arnold Asamoah Baidoo, a public relations officer at Zylofon, however told NEWS-ONE on Sunday that “I do not know of any sacking at Zylofon yet.”

Meanwhile, Ghbabase.com who made the sack allegation said Bulldog, who was signed somewhere in November 2017 onto the Zylofon brand, has been handed his sack letter.