I Don’t Want To Be Tagged Govt’s Errand Boy – Bagbin

Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament, Alban S.K Bagbin has expressed his readiness to discharge his duty independently in the interest of Ghanaians.
According to him, in as much as he does not want to be tagged as doing the bidding of his political party, he equally does not want to be describe as someone using his powers to frustrate government.
He therefore expressed his preparedness to discharge his mandate without fear or favour.
Speaker Bagbin made the remarks when addressing the House on Thursday, December 16, 2021 as a result of what transpired in the house before he left for Dubai for medical attention and afterwards.
“Let me reiterate my solemn pledge to the people of Ghana, which I canvassed in my first formal communication to this House, that, I will not superintend over a Parliament to frustrate government business, but, I will equally not preside over a weak House or be tagged as an errand boy of the Executive arm of government.

“This House is fully focused in discharging its mandate and will do so without any fear or favour, affection or ill-will in ensuring the ultimate best interests of the Ghanaian people are served,” he said.

Mr. Bagbin therefore advised members of the house to strengthen channels of communication, foster dialogue, encourage broader stakeholder consultations and allow the processes they have adopted for the burgeoning democracy to thrive.

He thanked Members for holding the fort in his absence, despite the fact that the conduct of some Members raises fundamental issues bordering on a complete disregard of parliamentary practice, procedure and process of the House.

He therefore apologised to Ghanaians saying that “I have taken my time to read the Order Paper, Votes and Proceedings and the Official Reports of the days in issue. And I am convinced we should accept the view of the conscience of the nation that we owe Ghanaians an apology and I will proceed to do just that.

“As the Head of Parliament, the voice of the Legislature, who speaks for and on behalf of Parliament, hence the title Speaker, I, with all humility apologize on behalf of the House and all the members, for the aberrations of conduct and behavior of members on those days. I take responsibility for what happens in the House and I admit the House is neither dignified nor exalted by those rancorous and unruly behavior of members. I promise to do everything within my power and authority to lead the House to chart a path of transformation, decency and change, a change for the better.

“The conduct of members on those days also touches on the legality of the decisions arrived at in the House and how we arrived at those decisions. It will help for members to look at these issues dispassionately, in humility, devoid of egos and partisanship. As a House of honor, dignity and measureless might and majesty, members of Parliament should, for a while, allow the 1992 Constitution, the enabling laws, precedents and the Standing Orders of the House to lead the way,” asking Members to think about how to strengthen the work of this House and by extension, strengthen Ghana’s democratic governance.

By Vincent Kubi
