International Dance Theatre Piece Comes To Dodowa

Prof Phipps (middle) with Tordzro (left) and Sithole

‘Broken World, Broken Word’, an international dance theatre piece which focuses on movement, language, translation and meaning and how these constitute our world will on Thursday, September 29 and Friday, September 30 be performed at the Noyam Theatre in Dodowa, near Accra.

The production which is a collaborative devised piece with Noyam African Dance Institute emerges from traditional and arts-based research work of the Creative Arts & Translating Cultures Hub of Researching Multilingually at The Borders of Language, The Body, Law and The State (RM Borders) research project at the University of Glasgow in Scotland.

RM Borders is a three-year UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Large Grant project which runs from 2013 to 2016. The project has case studies in Bulgaria, Romania, Ghana, Uganda, USA, Scotland, England, Gaza Strip and The Netherlands.

The piece explores the themes of borders, checkpoints, detention siege through language and movement over the borders drawn across lands by employing elements of earth, water, fire, air and wind.

It is devised through intensive work with Noyam and musicians selected from Glasgow-based Ha Orchestra working with music composed by Gameli Tordzro.

They include atenteben maestro Dela Botri, flutist Katrine Suwalski (Denmark), percussionists Alfred Tamakloe and Samuel Takyi, (Denmark/Ghana), kalimba player Clare Robertson (Scotland/Nigeria) and Paris-based Burkinabe kora and kamali ngoni player, Simon Winsé.

Dancers from the Noyam Ensemble include Nii Akwei Adotey, Cynthia Onoma, Atcheah Jeremiah Obadiah, Steven Agyekum, Ruth Adjoa Asaba Swatson and Aaron Nana Kwame Kuayson.

Co-directed by Scotland based Ghanaian creative artist, composer, theatre and film director, Gameli Tordzro and Zimbabwean poet/writer Tawona Sithole – the piece is choreographed by Nii Tete Yartey, artistic director of the National Dance Company (Ghana Dance Ensemble).

Funded by the UK Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the production brings together a team of international theatre makers such as Glasgow-based German technical designer and theatre maker, Kai Fischer, and applied theatre researcher, Katja

Others are Ghanaian costume designer, Naa Densua Tordzro, and Prof Alison Phipps, principal investigator and convenor at ‘Researching Multilingually at the Borders of Language, the Body, Law and the State’ (RM Borders), University of Glasgow, who is leading the delegation.