JHS Student Trapped In Metal Slab

It was a pathetic sight to behold last Monday afternoon when the leg of a female Junior High School (JHS) student got stuck in metal slabs covering drains at Agona Nkwanta in the Ahanta West District of the Western Region.

The victim was accompanying a colleague on an errand for their teacher during school hours when the incident happened.

An eyewitness, who gave his name as Kobina Antobam, asserted that the two JHS students from a private school in the town were going to cash a cheque for the teacher at a bank at Agona-Nkwanta.

He indicated that just a few meters from the bank, the victim stumbled and one of her legs got trapped in the metal slabs covering the drains.

Efforts by some passers-by and traders in the area to remove the leg of the girl, who continued to cry, from the metal slabs were unsuccessful.

For nearly an hour without success, some artisans were called in to use their grinding machine to cut the slabs to rescue the pupil.

The victim, who was in pains after she sustained some injuries on the leg, was rushed to the hospital for treatment by a teacher and her mother, who quickly moved to the scene upon hearing the news.

From Emmanuel Opoku, Takoradi
