Johnson Complex Fetes Psychiatric Patients

The patients and staff of Johnson Complex dancing during the time of praise

Staff of Johnson Complex, a national debt collection company, on Easter Monday organised a party for about 500 patients of the Accra Psychiatric Hospital.

The organisation also donated items, including bags of rice, boxes of Kalyppo drinks, bars of soap, bales of clothing and other detergents to the patients.

The Johnson Complex’s prayer team and music band were in attendance to pray with the patients and lead them in a time of worship and praise, after which the patients were served with specially prepared food and assorted drinks.

Chief Victor Kwabena Johnson, Executive Chairman of Johnson Complex, speaking with the media, explained that the event formed part of the company’s annual corporate social responsibility targeted at the less-privileged in society.

“Every Easter Monday, we select one institution and we go and spend time with them. This morning we have already distributed food, drinks and water to the needy on the streets,” he said.

Mr Johnson observed that the Accra Psychiatric Hospital is one of the many institutions that is often forgotten during such celebration. He added that the company, therefore, decided to spend the day with the patients and to donate some items to enable them also to join in the celebration of the Lord Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection from the dead.

He used the occasion to thank the staff of the company for contributing towards such charitable events during their morning devotion before work.

“Every morning we have a prayer time before work and every staff member gives an offering which we save in the bank and then use it for such programmes,” he stated.

Paulina Adu-Gyamfi, a nursing officer at one of the female wards who received the items on behalf of the hospital, was excited about the kind gesture shown to the patients.

She said, “We are very happy they are spending time with the patients and entertaining them, as well as providing them with food and drinks.”

By Abigail Owiredu-Boateng
