Joyce Blessing Vows To Guard Future Relationships

Gospel singer Joyce Blessing says she has not given up on love and marriage despite her recent challenges with her husband.

Joyce was married to Dave Joy. They were married for almost a decade and had three children from the union.

However, the marriage allegedly hit the rock following allegations of infidelity.

Dave also denied being the paternal father of two of their children.

In an interview on 3FM, the award-winning artiste expressed her belief that marriage is still a “beautiful thing” and that she remains open to the possibility of marrying again.

Reflecting on her past experiences, Joyce Blessing emphasized the importance of entering relationships that preserve one’s peace of mind, rather than trying to please partners at the expense of personal well-being.

“What I have been through and my past experience, I will use it to protect the new one that I’m going to enter,” she said.

“I think marriage is a beautiful thing, love is a beautiful thing. When you meet someone who understands you and loves you just as you are, you can be yourself every time—it’s very important.”

Joyce remains positive, using the lessons she’s learned to guide her future relationships.