Jubilee House Wakes Up After Deep Slumber: 10 MDCEs Face Dismissal

President Nana Akufo-Addo


In a major development, ten Municipal and District Chief Executives (MDCEs) are now under intense pressure as their positions hang in the balance following the Jubilee House resolve to sack them.

A confidential report received by the Presidency has raised serious concerns about their job etiquette, and these officials are at risk of being fired from their positions due to multiple issues raised against them during their tenure.

According to a report by Asaase Radio, the decision to potentially dismiss these 10 MDCEs is part of the President’s initiative to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of his administration. The concerns raised in the confidential report indicate that these officials have failed to meet the expected standards of conduct and performance required in their roles.

The report, which has not been made public, highlights various issues that have been observed during the tenure of these MDCEs.

These issues range from mismanagement of resources and disregard for protocol.

The confidential report also raises questions about their ability to effectively address the needs and concerns of their respective districts.

Inside sources at the Jubilee House have disclosed that, at the top of the President’s list for dismissal, is Edward Owusu, the District Chief Executive (DCE) for Atebubu Amantin. Despite being a loyalist of President Akufo-Addo, Mr. Owusu has faced strong opposition within his district due to alleged anti-people activities.

His leadership style has caused discontent among chiefs, elders, and civil servants, and even members of his own political party are not willing to support him.

Following investigations into the matters raised against these MDCEs, the President has swiftly responded to the complaints by ordering the dismissal of Mr. Owusu.

According to report there are at least nine more officials listed in the confidential report to be terminated.

Samuel Oduro Frimpong, the MCE for the Ejisu Municipality, is the first on the list.

The report states that Mr. Frimpong has become detached from his constituents, fails to address the municipality’s problems, and does not welcome suggestions from stakeholders.

Michael Donkor, the Amansie Central District Chief Executive, is the second official named in the report.

It is alleged that he does not even reside in the district and is involved in illegal mining activities.

Furthermore, he seldom goes to the office and has displayed a lack of interest in serving the people.

Thomas Opoku Ansah, the Ahafo Ano South East District Chief Executive, is the third official on the list.

He is accused of residing outside the district, showing no seriousness in executing his duties, and allegedly being involved in galamsey.

His profligate lifestyle has led to disaffection for the government and the NPP in the district.

Jerome Gmasombe Kofi Gyimah, the Sene East District Chief Executive, is the fourth official mentioned in the report. His actions and inactions have resulted in a divided district and an unpopular government in the area.

Comfort Asante, the New Juaben North Municipal Chief Executive in Koforidua is the fifth official highlighted.

She is allegedly detached from her constituents and unable to undertake the demanding responsibilities of her position.

Clement Nii Wilkinson Lamptey, the MCE for Ga West Municipality, is also flagged as a problem authority.

The report accuses him of running the municipality like a personal fiefdom and disregarding the opinions of other key actors in the area.

Dorcas Elizabeth Amoah, the MCE for Nzema East Municipality, is accused of having relatives involved in galamsey activities and displaying disrespectful and arrogant behavior towards traditional leaders and locals.

Eugene Sackey, the DCE of the Upper West Akim District, is accused of being disconnected from the locals and failing to collaborate with other officials to execute government plans for the area.

Emmanuel Kojo Nanah, the DCE for Twifo Lower Hemang Denkyira, has been unwell and left the running of the District to the Presiding Member of the Assembly, who has given a bad image to the government and the President through woeful leadership.

The Presidency was said to have taken this matter seriously, and the President has made it clear that he expects the highest level of professionalism and integrity from all government officials.

The President’s commitment to good governance and delivering on his promises to the people is unwavering, and he believes that holding public officials accountable is essential for achieving positive change.

While the identities of other MDCEs facing potential dismissal have not been disclosed, it is expected that their respective districts will be notified of the ongoing investigation and any subsequent actions taken.

The Presidency has indicated that a thorough review of the report’s findings and a fair assessment of the officials’ performance will be conducted before any final decisions are made.

This development has sparked widespread discussions among political commentators and citizens alike. Many view this move as a necessary step towards ensuring accountability and restoring public trust in the government.

They believe that no public official should be exempt from scrutiny and that those found to have violated their duties should face appropriate consequences.

As the investigation unfolds and the fate of these MMDCEs hangs in the balance, all eyes will be on the Presidency to see how this situation is handled.

The President’s commitment to improving his administration and delivering on his promises will be put to the test as he weighs the evidence against these officials and makes a decision that will have significant implications for their careers and the future of their respective districts.

By Vincent Kubi
