Kanye West Calls Out Kim Kardashian For ‘Kidnapping’ Their Daughter

Kanye West has said his ex-wife, Kim Kardashian has kidnapped their second daughter, Chicago.

The billionaire rapper made the damning allegations via his Instagram page on Friday, February 4, 2022.

What do you mean by main provider? America saw you try to kidnap my daughter on her birthday by not providing the address. You put security on me inside of the house to play with my son then accused me of stealing. I had to take a drug test after Chicago’s party cause you accused me of being on drugs. Tracy Romulus stop manipulating Kim to be this way,” he alleged.

He also lashed at the mother of his four children for giving their first daughter, North, access to popular social media app, Tiktok.

“Since this is my first divorce, I need to know what I should do about my daughter being put on Tiktok against my will,” he added.

Kanye had earlier accused Kim of denying him access to their daughter during her birthday.

”This is wishing my daughter a public happy birthday. I wasn’t allowed to know where her party was. There’s nothing legal that says…this is the kind of game that is being played. It has affected my health for the longest,” he said.

The rapper said he decided to release the video because he doesn’t want his daughter to grow up and assume he purposely didn’t show up for her birthday.