Ken Ashigbey Resigns From Graphic

Mr Kenneth Ashigbey

The Managing Director of the Graphic Communications Group Limited (GCGL), Mr Kenneth Ashigbey has resigned. has sighted a memo from Mr. Ashigbey to “the entire team” of GCGL informing them about his decision.

“I have followed your concern about the rumours of my resignation. Such a concern is legitimate because I owe you a duty to inform you if I have resigned and I admit that you should be the first to know. I am sorry for leaving you in suspense this while,” the memo dated September 14, 2017 reads.

It added: “The truth is that I have tendered my resignation to my employer, the NMC. However, they are yet to respond to my letter. This is the reason why I have not officially informed you of my decision. I believe courtesy demands that I receive the feedback before I announce it.”

“I am still awaiting that response and I will inform you accordingly,” the memo stated.

Mr. Ashigbey joined GCGL November 1, 2011.

Mr Ashigbey, an engineer and communications expert, is a product of St Augustine’s College, Cape Coast and the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, where he graduated in Electrical/Electronic Engineering and holds a Masters in Business Administration.

He was a General Manager at Joy FM from 2003 to 2006, Managing Director of Optimum Media Prime (OMP), Accra from 2007 to 2010 and also the Chief Operating Officer of Multimedia Group Limited (MULTI TV).

