Kwesimintsim MP Moves To Enhance Local Economy

The new market


In an effort to help improve the local economy of his constituency, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Kwesimintsim, Dr. Prince Hamid Armah, has commissioned a newly constructed market for the Anaji community.

The MP, who is also the Deputy Minister for Works and Housing personally funded the project.

He explained that he took the initiative to personally finance the project because of its importance in providing a dedicated space for the local traders.

“I am very excited that I have successfully completed this project. It has stalled for years, largely because there was no proper funding source for this project,” he said.

“This project is to provide space for our market women to trade and that will essentially improve the local economy,” he added.

He added that the market commissioning marked a remarkable achievement for him, as it is the fifth project he commissioned within a week.

The Deputy Minister for Works and Housing recently commissioned four school projects in the Constituency.

“In the last couple of days, I have commissioned four school projects out of eight school projects that I am constructing within the constituency. Today marks the fifth project,” he added.

He told journalists that several more initiatives are underway, including a new Community Health Planning Services (CHPS) compound at Kwesimintsim Fie and the construction of 20 community boreholes, all at various stages of completion.

“There are also road projects that I’ve lobbied and are currently at different stages of completion and I’m very sure that they will all be completed soon,” he revealed.

The Municipal Chief Executive for the Effia-Kwesimintsim Municipal Assembly (EKMA), Kojo Acquah, praised the MP and said, “If not for Dr. Prince Hamid Armah, this market wouldn’t have been constructed.”

“The MP came to me and expressed his desire to finance this project out of his own pocket,” he noted.

He then urged the constituents to show their appreciation for Dr. Armah’s efforts by voting massively for him in the upcoming general elections.

From Emmanuel Opoku, Kwesimintsim
