LaDMa fights Bar Operators

The MCE addressing the audience

The La Dadekotopon Municipal Assembly (LaDMa) has given ultimatum to drinking and chop bar operators including mobile spinning groups to reduce the intensity of sound emanating from their respective music sound systems during their operations or have their equipment confiscated.

According to the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) of the assembly, Tsotsoo Mann-Dedey, offenders are likely to be brought before the law.

Speaking at a stakeholders meeting between the assembly and owners of drinking spots, night clubs, pubs, among others at the assembly hall in La, Accra  last Tuesday, the MCE indicated that operators should play music  at very reasonable volumes at all times but bearing in mind that their activities must end at 10pm.

She mentioned the La Police Station and New Patriotic Party (NPP) office areas, among others, as worse affected areas.

Giving a description of their activities, she indicated that the bar operators set tables and chairs on the streets and along its shoulders for their customers and at times block pedestrian walkways.

“This lawlessness can no longer be tolerated because it is a violation of the public order Act.

“We appreciate the fact that you are in business, however, this must be carried out in a manner that shows respect for the rights and safety of other people in the community,” she stated.

Madam Mann-Dedey who gave other instances of what she described as acts of public nuisance cautioned mechanics who have turned the streets and alleys into vehicle and motor cycle repair shops and garages for  abandoned vehicles to relocate them or equally have them towed away.

In addition, owners of kiosks and containers located very close to the gutters and the streets must be relocated. She warned.

The MCE advised the various groups to report any acts of corrupt practices by the taskforce or fraudsters.

Some of the executives of the various associations who were at the meeting, assured the assembly of their preparedness to collaborate with it in this effort.

They however indicated that people who engage their services are reluctant to pay them for their services when it ends before midnight.

By Solomon Ofori


