‘Let work together for Ghana’s interest’- Nana Addo to Speaker

President Akufo-Addo is calling on the new Speaker of Parliament, Alban Sumana Bagbin to corporate and work together with his government for the common interest of Ghana.

Speaking at his swearing-in ceremony, the President said even though Mr. Bagbin is a speaker nominated by the opposition National Democratic Congress(NDC), he is confident the two will work together in the interest of the Ghanaian.

“Together, you and I will be chartering new territory in the governance and politics of the 4th Republic, for this is the first time in the life of this Republic that a president from one party will be obliged, by the exigencies of the moment and the will of the people, to work, in all sincerity and co-operation, with a Speaker of Parliament from another party,”, he said.

President Akufo-Addo congratulated and assured Mr. Bagbin that he is determined to work with him to advance the peace, progress, and prosperity of the Ghanaian people.

In a closely contested secret ballot in Parliament on Thursday for the position of Speaker of Parliament, the immediate past MP for Nadowli/Kaleo, Alban Sumana Bagbin was elected Speaker of the House.

Mr. Alban polled a voting majority of 138 against Professor Aaron Mike Oquaye who had 136 votes, one legislator failed to vote for him while another vote was invalid.

BY Prince Fiifi Yorke
