Logos Rhema Hosts 21st ‘Non-Stop Praise & Worship’

Dr. Abu Bako


Logos Rhema, a non-denominational church noted for raising and training transformational leaders is set to host its 21st praise and worship concert in Accra.

The seven-day praise and worship starting from October 29 to November 4 dubbed, “144 Non-Stop Praise And Worship” is aimed at inspiring hope and attracting God’s goodwill towards the country.

The event will also afford Diasporans an opportunity to join virtually without any difficulty.

Interacting with a section of journalists ahead of the event, President and International Director of Logos-Rhema Foundation for leadership Resource Development, Dr. Abu Bako, said the event which  starts with 24 hours non-stop praise and worship and later transitioned into 48hrs, 120 hours and 144  hours will provide participants a unique experience different from previous editions.

According to him, apart from the praise and worship, the programme would also be interspersed with Bible reading, proclamation and declaration citing biblical examples of individuals such as David who through praise and worship won several battles.

He said the event will not only provide and inspiration to participants but will also go a long way to transform every facets of the economy such as education, training and development among several others.

The renowned economist who is also the President of the college sustainable Transformation and Develolment COSTrAD), also asked people to refrain from dissociating religion from governance given the role of religion in the socio-economic development of the country.

“People who have the responsibility of governance should be the people of God. This whole thing about you don’t mix politics with religion is completely off, that is not biblical, not scriptural. It is God running governance, there is a place for that, that is also one of the purposes for doing praise and worship so that God will direct the affairs of the country,” he said.

He stated that participants would include Ministers in music, dance, drummers from different parts of the world, others from the 24 alter zones, representations from different parts of the continent, intercessors, Ministers of the Gospel, renowned gospel mucicians both in Ghana and abroad as well as leaders from various Christian groups.

By Ebenezer K. Amponsah
