I Loved Mills, I Just Worked For Mahama – Koku Anyidoho

Koku Anyidoho

The Deputy General-Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Koku Anyidoho, has shed some light on his relationship with former President John Mahama, saying it was mostly borne out of a call to duty.

Mr. Anyidoho was however known to have a very warm relationship with John Mahama’s predecessor, John Evans Atta Mills, which stretched beyond compulsion, according to the NDC Deputy General-Secretary.

In an appearance on Accra-based GHOne TV’s current affairs programme, State of Affairs, Mr. Anyidoho, who once worked as the spokesperson of John Atta Mills’, reiterated his dedication to the late President, who he said he loved.

“I will never regret working for him… President Mills, I salute you in your grave. Nobody will take that away from me,” he declared.

When prodded with a line of questioning on whether that love translated to John Mahama, Mr. Anyidoho simply implied that his relationship with Mr. Mahama was merely an obligatory working relationship, noting that love was “conditional”.

He stated that, he loved the NDC as a party and that “leadership will rotate” adding that “I loved President Mills; I worked for President Mahama.”

Tragedy struck Ghana on July 24, 2012, when John Atta Mills became the first President to die in office. He died at the 37 Military Hospital aged 68. He had reportedly been battling with throat cancer, and in the days leading up to his death, had been in the US for some medical attention.

In line with Ghana’s constitution, John Mahama, who was the Vice-President, took the oath of office as Head of State before parliament hours after the announcement of Mills’ death.

John Mahama served as the caretaker President until the scheduled elections at the end of 2012, where he went on to stand on the ticket of the NDC, and defeated the opposition New Patriotic Party’s Flagbearer, Nana Akufo-Addo.

John Mahama would govern for the next four years, but lose the 2016 election to the Nana Akufo-Addo, who made his third attempt at the Presidency.

