Mahama’s Campaign Has Collapsed

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo says former President John Mahama’s 2020 campaign has collapsed, hence his incessant peddling of falsehood.

The President said he could not fathom why the former President who had previously condemned the Free Senior High School Policy would now turn around and tell Ghanaians that he introduced the policy.

He said the former President and his political party have no message and good policies for the people, and the electorate should give the NPP “four more years to do more” for them.

The President was addressing thousands of enthusiastic NPP supporters in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Constituency of the Western Region during a tour of the region.

President Nana Akufo-Addo disclosed that his main contender was being compelled to resort to a campaign of lies since he (John Mahama) was not making any impact.

The President indicated that he was not surprised to learn that John Mahama was forcibly taking credit for the Free Senior High School Policy, he (Nana Addo) introduced.

“He has resorted to lies and now making false claims that he brought the Free Senior High School Policy”.

The President said he was convinced he would beat his main contender John Dramani Mahama once again in the December 7 general elections.

He said that there was no better alternative that his contender could offer Ghanaians, hence the need for Ghanaians to vote against the NDC.

He believed that Ghanaians would reward the NPP’s hard work with another victory over the NDC and its presidential candidate former President John Mahama.

“Ghanaians showed Mahama the bitter exit in 2016. It was all because of his disappointment. He has nothing new to offer,” the President said.

He was optimistic that Ghanaians would give the NPP a decisive victory for the party’s second term to prove “Ghanaians don’t have short memories.”

“A week from today, Ghanaians would surely prove to him they’ve not lost memories of the troubles he caused them,” he added.

The Member of Parliament for Tarkwa-Nsuaem, George Mireku Duker, appealed to party faithful to ignore those calling on them to vote ‘skirt and blouse’ but come out in their numbers to vote massively for the NPP on December 7.

From Emmanuel Opoku & Charles Takyi Boadu
