Mum Exposes Gay Son

Sadam Mohammed

The mother of a young man believed to be a homosexual has revealed his sexual orientation, thereby exposing him to danger.

Madam Rabi Salifu went round telling the people of Mamobi, one of the suburbs of Accra notorious for its gay-bashing activities that her own son, Sadam Mohammed, was gay.

In an interview with DAILY GUIDE, the mother said, “I am a religious woman. That is why I named him Sadam. How can my son be like that?”

She recounted that as soon as Sadam came of age, she started giving him pressure to get a young lady so they could get married because, according to her, she wanted a lot of grand children.

“When the pressure from me became unbearable, he told me he could not be with a woman. At first I did not know what that meant. But when the reality of what he is dawned on me, I went to tell the religious leaders in the community because he is a disgrace to Islam. He is no longer my son; I have disowned him,” Madam Rabi narrated.

Subsequently, this paper gathered that members of the community managed to get hold of Sadam and subjected him to beating which nearly resulted in his death.

It was learnt that the young man, after his escape, took a picture of himself while in hiding and sent it to his mother to show her that he was still alive despite her death wish for him; even though the beating had affected one of his eyes.

Madam Rabi made the picture available to DAILY GUIDE, which showed the young man wearing a cap with an inscription bearing the ‘F’ word.
