MUSIGA Honours Nana Yepemso

Obour, MUSIGA President

The Composers Association of Ghana (GAG) and the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) have honoured legendary Nana Kusi Antobre, known in the music industry as Nana Yerepemso.

The honour forms part of GAG’s efforts to honour personalities who have contributed immensely to the music industry in Ghana.

The event took place last Tuesday at Kwamekyemkrom, where Nana hails from.

Nana Yerepemso has been a highlife musician since 1964 and has been a role model to a lot of the upcoming musicians.

The honour will continue with a lot more personalities, as the two bodies intend to hold the honour in the hometown of the person to be honoured.

According to Madam Augustina Addison, the regional chairperson of MUSIGA, the honour is part of an initiative put in place by the regional executives to contribute to musicians’ welfare in the region.

She cited the insurance scheme embarked upon by the region as one of such initiatives.