NADMO Declares Kaiser Flats Danger Zone

Officials of NADMO, TMA and others assessing the state of the Kaiser Flats.

THE NATIONAL Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) has declared some structures at the Kaiser Flats in Tema Community Four of the Greater Accra Region as death traps.

According to NADMO, the structures are not safe for human habitation hence authorities should take steps to pull them down for the purpose of safety.

The disaster management organisation advised occupants in the dilapidated, over 45 year old flats, to immediately vacate them to prevent looming disaster.

It is believed that at least thirty-three occupants would be affected when the Tema Development Corporation (TDC) enforced a court order issued by the Tema High Court after occupants had sued TDC for forceful ejection.

The eviction order is affecting persons occupying block 407, 408, 410 and 415.

Mr. Archibold Cobbina, the Greater Regional Director of NADMO made the declaration when he toured the area last Tuesday with officials from the Tema Metropolitan Assembly (TMA) and other stakeholders to assess the state of the Kaiser Flats.

“We need to state the fact and factually that, as a nation, we need to wake up to certain realities. We should not wait for disaster to happen before we start fighting to find solutions to them.

“I want to state clearly, His Excellency the President on several occasions has said that lives and properties are very important.

“At least, looking at Kaiser Flats, almost all the buildings, they have serious cracks and the iron rods are all showing. They are all rusty and they are all weak and it is not proper for human habitation. Therefore, as we had a meeting with all stakeholders and the police, we are clear that this is a disaster area and we are marking it as disaster zone,” according to the Regional Director.

The Public Relation Officer (PRO) of the Affected Residents at Kaiser Flats, Isaac Lomotey assured that they are ready to comply with the court order, but pleaded with TDC to give them some grace period to vacate the flats.

From Vincent Kubi, Tema
